Kundalini Organic Mugwort Smudge Stick
Organic Mugwort Smudge Stick
Bound with intention for working with the energy of kundalini during spiritual practice, meditation and yoga.
Organically and shamanically grown, harvested and ceremonially bound with 100% Egyptian cotton threads with the colours of the 7 main chakras. Tall, thin and columnar to reflect the spine.
Approx 28cm long x 3cm wide.
My smudge sticks are practical tools and not ornamentals intended for aethetics only. As such, they look like natural dried herbs should and not the currently fashionable, entirely impractical bouquets tied with twine that are currently touted as smudge. You know the ones I mean.
When these sticks are fully dry and ready to use - and they are only listed for sale when they are - my photographs show their dried state. The colours naturally fade. They are incredibly vibrant when harvested and as they dry, many lose their colours but definitely not their vibrancy!
All of my sacred botanical, ceremonial craft tools and medicines are sown, grown, harvested and crafted by me, with loving intention and deep gratitude for their blessings and abundance. Their magickal craft partner must also have an open and loving heart with similar intentions.