Father Wound Organic Flower Essence
Channelled Message:
'I am for The People Pleaser. You need not agree to suggestions, plans and responsibilities that you’d rather refuse. Have confidence in saying No. Why do you feel pleasing others is more important than pleasing yourself?'
Flower: Petunia 'Moonstruck'
Solar/Lunar Essence: Solar
Season: Suitable for all seasons
Element: Fire
Deity/Archetype: Sun God
Moon Phase: Dark (New)
This organic flower essence helps to show us the reasons behind the behaviours of keeping the peace. You may feel that agreeing or going along with plans and leaving decisions to others is a loving way of making sure everyone is happy, a way to avoid any upset or to seek approval. But Father Wound invites you to explore why you would put your needs and wants secondary and why you need anyone’s approval but your own and that of Spirit.
I feel this would be especially helpful for those who have a father wound; that is, formative experiences of an absent, abusive or manipulative father and the resulting adaptive behaviours to try to gain approval and love.
Aligned with Fire and Sun Gods, this essence is the divine masculine encouraging assertiveness and loving protectiveness of the self. My recommendation is to work with this essence during the Dark Moon, a time of getting to know our shadows, those behaviours that are damaging to us when not acknowleged.
This is one of these essences I would suggest working with for a longer time than 28 days, depending on the depth of the wounds. The 30ml bottle is suitable for 3 months at the recommended usage.
The Petunia spirit of this essence grew better as an outsider of the medicine wheel here at VOLVA HQ and this pertains to both her Solar and Lunar aspects too; perhaps you are more comfortable being on the fringes and not in the fray? She encourages you to find your own position, guided by your heart, and not led by the influences and demands of others.
Often the Solar and Lunar Essences go hand in hand, offering two sides of the same coin. Mother Wound is the Lunar partner to Father Wound and these work well together, especially if you have formative experiences of emotional absence or a lack of the nurturing support of both maternal and paternal love. You can find Mother Wound here.