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Open Mind Organic Flower Essence

Open Mind Organic Flower Essence


Channelled Message:

‘Broadening Horizons. You know and understand my language even though we speak a different kind. There is a universal language - it is in your theatre, your songs, your music, your actions. It is heart connection through the arts. I am the language of opening your mind to different ‘cultures’ - they are not so different after all. Let the languages of the world weave their magic around you.’


Flower: Pelargonium

Solar/Lunar Essence: Solar

Season: Spring to Summer

Element: Fire

Deity/Archetype: Brigid

Moon Phase: All


What a vivid spirit energy this essence has! You could almost call her cosmopolitan - isn’t this surprising of a Pelargonium? These plants are commonly known as Geranium but they aren’t true Geraniums. We see them in gardens all over the country in Summer, a common bedding plant, and borders, pots and baskets wouldn't be the same without them. But here She is, teaching us about the importance of opening our minds and broadening our horizons. Perhaps she is tired of being seen as just a common bedding plant.


This organic flower essence encourages us to open our minds to other landscapes - not just countries, cultures and languages - but also different views of ourselves. We might be a little presumptuous in our opinions or views of ourselves and perhaps we are taking how others see us as our only story. Do you need to write a different story for yourself? We may also be worried that we’re not worldy or well travelled enough but again, this is only a perception. Often we have so much more to offer than we know.


Open Mind is aligned with Brigid, the light bringer, the healer, the blacksmith. She is multi skilled but She is also the keeper of the hearth. She is a domestic Goddess.

I don't need to tell you how denegrated the associations with 'housewife' have become. Housewife is multi skilled. She keeps the home hearth burning. She heals, she feeds, she sustains. Open Mind is an essence that empathises with the housewife; the flower of this essence is also seen in just one role, commonly overlooked and taken for granted.


In the communication from the plant in understanding the languages, teachings and wonder of other lands, it is by listening with our hearts to their story-telling. This is what theatre is for, to relay a story that connects with our hearts by using different mediums - dance, song, puppetry, etc -  to tell a story. And this aspect of the essence offers us the opportunity to explore preconceptions and misconceptions by engaging in the art forms of different cultures. You may love Balinese traditional dance, that it speaks to your soul, and live in a city thousands of miles away from Bali. What speaks to your heart does not care who, what or where you are. 


If you feel a little stuck in your ways, feel 'typecast', have become a little insular in your thinking or perhaps a little restricted in your spiritual practices, Open Mind might just help you see that there are other stories to tell.

  • The photographs available on each label and listing for every VOLVA flower spirit essence is of the actual flower that the essence has been created from - no generic plant pictures here - so the picture of the flower on the label actually reflects the vibration of the essence. This is provided as an additional way to help you intuitively connect with the plant, in addition to the information in the listing and the keywords of its medicine.

    I recommend focusing attention on your body and your mental, physical and emotional responses when you see the photograph or read the information on the essences, to guide you to the right essence(s) for you at this moment. 

    It is often useful to work with one essence at a time - in this way we begin to understand the uses and gifts of each essence - for around 28 days or until you feel the issue is resolving or a different essence is required for another layer of healing. Essences do however work very well together so if more than one essence speaks to you, go with your intuition.

    The Solar and Lunar variations of one single flower essence are excellent companions and work well together for balance. The potency of working with both Sun and Moon together can be increased by working with the Solar essence in the morning and the Lunar essence before bedtime. Do be guided by how you feel both in relation to working with the Sun and The Moon together, and in working with more than one essence and how they would align.